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Reyes was later assigned to the New Orleans field office, where she specialized in ritualistic crime - ( T his is Not Happening). Reyes ended her relationship with Follmer at the same time as she left New York. The two worked together in the New York Bureau office and ultimately became romantically involved - ( R elease, N othing Important Happened Today). She also met Brad Follmer while in New York - ( N othing Important Happened Today). Another date for Luke's death was later provided in "Release" - Augand this seems more likely than the date given in "Empedocles". " Within" gives 1995 as the year that John Doggett left the police force, providing evidence that the "date of last contact" given in "Empedocles" is probably incorrect. ( E mpedocles) Though the "date of last contact" with Luke Doggett is given in "Empedocles" as 8/12/97 (or August 12, 1997), it is well established that his father, John Doggett, was still working in the New York City Police Department when Luke's body was discovered. In 2001, Reyes commented that searching for the child was the hardest case she had ever had, "as in stealing-into-the-bathroom-to-cry-my-eyes-out kind of hard". Although it was determined that Luke Doggett had been strangled to death, neither Reyes nor any of the other law enforcement officers involved in the case managed to catch the killer. She was unable to explain the vision, although she considered the possibility that it may have been a psychic experience. Reyes was present when the body was found and had a vision as if the corpse had momentarily changed into ashes.

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After three days of searching, the child's body was found lying face down in a remote park area - ( T his is Not Happening, E mpedocles).

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In 1993, Reyes was assigned as the lead investigator in the search for John Doggett's missing son, Luke - ( R elease, E mpedocles). Monica Reyes with other law enforcement officers, discovering and surrounding Luke Doggett's deceased body. ( E mpedocles, R elease) Reyes is first established as being a Special Agent in the episode "Empedocles" and must have earned that rank prior to the events depicted in that episode, most of which are set in 2001, though no other information establishing a more specific time is ever provided. During her early career, she was stationed in New York, where she would occasionally buy take-out from a restaurant on 11th Street called Carlo's. She joined the FBI in 1990 and eventually became a Special Agent - ( T he Truth, E mpedocles). In university, Reyes earned a Master of Arts degree in Religious Studies. ( I mprobable) Education and Early Career In 2002, she admitted that she would still ask people their birthdate when she met them at a party and that the question was "kind of an icebreaker". Her interest in numerology would stay with her through her teenage and adult years. Monica was interested in numerology as a child and asked several people numerological questions about themselves when she was young.

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( J ohn Doe) It is implied that she was born in 1968, given her belief, in ( H ellbound) that she was the reincarnated soul of someone who died that year. She consequently learned to speak fluent Spanish. Monica Reyes was born and raised in Mexico. 2.2 Working for the Cigarette Smoking Man.

X files home full episode youtube